
High school students and their families should thoughtfully consider the options available to receive credit toward a university degree including Advanced Placement (AP), 国际学士学位, 和双学分项目. 精心设计的双学分课程可以提高高中成绩, 提高大学毕业率, 并有可能降低高等教育学位的成本. 然而,在某些情况下,AP课程可能比双学分课程更严格. 另外, dual credit courses may extend over many more 周 than a comparable university course which may convey a false sense of the pace of university courses.

双学分课程记入学生的永久大学记录, 因此,学生为大学课程的要求做好准备是很重要的. 此外, 如果学生没有通过双学分课程, 这可能意味着学生不能按时从高中毕业. 父母 and students should carefully consider the value and risks of any dual credit course before enrolling.

沃拉沃拉大学 provides a dual credit program through which qualified North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) juniors and seniors can enroll in university courses on their own 学院 campus and simultaneously receive academic credit on their 学院 transcript and a 沃拉沃拉大学 (WWU) transcript.

Download the 北京大学学院双学分计划 policy (PDF) >

Download the dual credit application form >



学院可能会建议在获得资格证书后开设双学分课程, 预期, 财务如下图所示. 威尼斯人彩票直营会根据以下准则评估建议书:




  • 通过全国人大教育厅认证
  • 是否有一个有利于成功的大学水平学术经历的整体环境 
  • 是否有一个能够认识到大学课程教学需求的管理部门, 提供充足的教学时间(每学分10学时), 并努力减少时间表的变化
  • 根据需要提供足够的设施,如教室、图书馆或实验室 
  • 为课程提供适当的材料和设备 
  • Ensure the university course does not interfere with the overall curriculum nor prevent a student from taking high school courses


  1. Submit a Dual Credit Request Form for each course the 学院 wishes to offer to the WWU Associate Vice President for 学术管理
  2. Propose only 100 and 200 level general studies (general education) courses listed in the current WWU bulletin
  3. Require instructors submit proof of a Master’s or higher degree or equivalent in the academic discipline of the course they propose to instruct as WWU accreditation standards require 
  4. 在12月1日前提交下一学年的课程申请


  1. 确保学生有初级或高级学术地位和最低累积GPA为3.0
  2. 核实学生每学期不超过两门双学分课程
  3. Submit dual credit registration forms to the WWU 学习成绩 office within one week of the start of each course. First semester courses will be registered as fall quarter courses at WWU; second semester courses will be registered as spring quarter courses at WWU.
  4. 监督讲师的工作量,以适应大学课程的期望
  5. 使用WWU学生评估系统评估讲师和课程的有效性
  6. Arrange for the dual credit instructor to visit WWU at least once annually while the course is occurring on the university campus
  7. 向每位学生收取课程学费
  8. 每季度向世界大学缴纳学费


教练s play an important role in supporting student success as well as ensuring the level of academic rigor and classroom environment are appropriate for a university course. A dual credit instructor’s professionalism and individuality are to be respected; he/she will counsel with the university department chair, 和校内教师一样, 关于课程大纲, 文本或材料, 对学生的评价. He/she will be expected to meet departmental and general administrative policies (add and drop deadlines, 成绩报告, 等., (见世界自然联盟通讯), 并保持与大学同事相同的教学质量.




  1. Have a Master’s or higher degree or equivalent in the academic discipline of the course which he/she instructs as WWU accreditation standards require 
  2. 致力于教授大学水平的课程
  3. 你的工作负担与大学课程的时间相适应吗


  1. 每学期只教一门双学分课程
  2. 完成一个简短的在线双学分指导
  3. 根据大学教学大纲的指导原则构建课程大纲, 包括所涵盖的科目, 花在每个科目上的时间, 周期长度, 上课的日子, 文本(年代), 和参考文献, 在适当的地方, 然后把教学大纲交给 
    1. 由世界水大学术主管系主任批准,一经批准,
    2. submit the syllabus to the WWU distance learning committee at least one month before the beginning of the course for consideration and approval
  4. 使用WWU的课程管理软件来记录成绩和使材料可访问
  5. 在课程管理软件中及时更新课程资料和成绩
  6. Follow the US Department of Education requirement of having a minimum of 10 hours of instruction per credit hour and a total of 30 hours per credit of student effort (including class attendance) 
  7. 在课程中至少两次咨询指定的大学课程指导老师
  8. 寄一份期末考试的复印件, 项目, 或至少由大学课程指导老师审阅的论文 两个 周 截止日期前
  9. Submit final course grades to the WWU 学习成绩 Office within one week of the end of the term



  1. 在校生,具有初级或高级职称
  2. 大学的累积GPA是3分.0或更高
  3. 已经成功完成代数I和几何了吗
  4. 获得学校指导老师和校长的许可
  5. Complete placement examinations for some WWU courses (such as College Writing or Math) and receive an acceptable placement score in addition to satisfying the general criteria above


  1. 每年可以注册最多16个WWU学分 
  2. Must meet WWU registration deadlines that determine the type of credit the student wishes to receive (university, 学院, 或双) 
  3. Must attend all class appointments and complete assignments on time as expected of “regular” university students 
  4. 应该为每一小时的课程安排两个小时的作业/学习吗
  5. Will want to maintain good study habits and time management skills essential for success in college classes
  6. 遇到困难时是否应该向老师寻求帮助 
  7. Must achieve a grade of at least a “C” in each course to maintain regular academic standing at WWU as a low GPA could result in academic dismissal from the university
  8. Must contact the WWU 学习成绩 Office before the withdrawal deadline if he/she chooses to withdraw from a course since a student is never automatically dropped from a course and withdrawal could impact 学院 graduation
  9. Should check his/her course scores and submit assignments as requested by the instructor through WWU’s course management system


  1. Pays tuition of $250 per class regardless of the number of course credits in a class or if the student withdraws from the class 
  2. 必须明白,一旦课程开始,不退款
  3. 他/她必须自己购买课本和用品吗


启动程序并激活双学分课程建议, 教务助理副校长将:

  1. Review the request for dual credit courses received from an 学院 with the chair of the appropriate WWU academic department
  2. Notify the principal of the 学院 of acceptance or rejection of the proposed course in a timely manner
  3. 批准开办为期一年的临时课程 
  4. 审查并批准课程的后续批准, 由相应学术部门的主席进行年度评估, on a 两个-year basis with the understanding that any change in the conditions originally in the application may void the 两个-year approval and may necessitate new application and a return to one-year provisional status


  1. 与学院合作,确保教师和学生获得高质量的大学体验
  2. 提供一个双重信用网站,包括以下内容:
    1. 有关双学分政策,资格,期望的信息
    2. 学院学生、学院管理、学院讲师须知
    3. 申请及登记表格
    4. 大学教学大纲指引
    5. 经批准的双学分课程的最新大学教学大纲
    6. 课程支持和技术援助的联系方式
  3. 为双学分讲师提供在线培训
  4. 通过世界大学远程学习委员会评估建议的课程大纲
  5. 指派一名WWU教员作为课程指导老师
  6. 提供课程管理软件方面的技术支持
  7. 为世界大学课程评估系统提供技术支持
  8. 提供在线成绩输入的入口和说明
  9. 通过世界大学学生评估系统向教师提供反馈
  10. Arrange for a representative from the appropriate university department at WWU expense to visit each dual credit class at least once during the provisional year. 这种接触对……至关重要
    1. 鼓励与部门同事的相互关系
    2. 加强院系学术标准
    3. 一般来说,丰富讲师,从而丰富他/她的课程
  11. 如果课程正在进行,一年两次对课程地点进行实地考察
  12. 在WWU成绩单上记录学生成绩
  13. 在每学期结束时寄给学院一张所有学生的学费发票